Outdoor Adventurer

Starting with the Bikecentennial in 1976, Dave  began a number of solo, long-distance bicycle trips across the United States.  In 13 trips ranging from 4 days to  24 in length he has crossed the country W-E, N-S, the length of the Rockies, around Lakes Michigan and Superior, and various other tours.

dolak bike trips log-1Dave rides on  classic Schwinn Paramount bicycles.

He is also the co-director of of C4Cycling, the bicycling organization for Columbia College Chicago that promotes bicycling as a safe, healthy form of transportation for all ages.


He has also backpacked throughout many National Parks in the United States.

dave dolak bike trip

1984 Blue Ridge Pkwy











Composite ride across US and environmental measures

Composite ride across US and environmental measures

With C4Cyling 2005 trip to the Indiana Dunes

With C4Cyling 2005 trip to the Indiana Dunes  –   “Bike LIne”